R I C C A R D O   D E  C A L

2022 "Oltre le rive" has its international premiere as "Beyond the river banks" in the Panorama / Horizons section at the 25th edition of the RIDM - Montreal International Documentary Festival, it's the only Italian film at the Festival.

"Oltre le rive" wins Best Director Award at the 20° Ischia Film Festival, being the only Italian film in international competition. It is also in competition at David di Donatello and at Rome International Documentary Festival (RIDF). It's out of competition at the Edera Film Festival and in competition at 21° EFF and at PerSo (Perugia Social Film Festival) where it receives a special mention.

Collaborates with British magazine Architecture Today.

Deliver a lecture on architecture film making at Politecnico di Milano.

An entire paragraph dedicated to the film "Memoriae Causa" appears Antonio Costa's book "Il cinema e le arti visive" - Einaudi 2022.

2021  "Oltre le rive" is in the official selection at 62° Festival dei Popoli in Florence, winning Best European Film prize.

"Le Voyage d'Or" is screened in Venice at Querini Stampalia and in Rome at Maxxi Museum of Arts of the XXI Century.

Begins shooting a new project with cellist Mario Brunello.

2020 "Raccolto d'inverno" is screened in Spain at the Zaragoza International Film Festival.

"Memoriae Causa", "Genius Loci", "Hortus Conclusus", "Raccolto d'inverno", "Nulla dies sine linea" are distributed internationally by Audiovisiva (Milan) on Amazon Prime Video, Apple TV, Google Play and Kanopy.

2019  Shoots all year long "Oltre le rive", which develops over five seasons.

Collaborates with the Asolo International Art Film Festival working in the selection committee.

Shoots "Le Voyage d'Or", about the long restoration of the Carlo Scarpa Brion memorial.

2018  Works on his first feature film, "Oltre le rive", produced by Kiko Stella and Minnie Ferrara. The script is in the final shortlist for the Solinas Prize and the project is selected at the international documentary film festival "Visioni dal Mondo" in Milan. 

Makes a short movie for Fondazione Bonotto, presented at Teatro Alla Scala of Milan.

Collaborates with the Asolo International Art Film Festival as international documentary section director.

2017 The book "Dream of Venice" is presented in San Francisco and New York. The book also wins the IPPY Award in New York. 

For Ca' Foscari University and School for International Education in Venice, creates a 30 minutes film for the 150° anniversary.

2016 Shoots all the photos for the book "Dream of Venice - Architecture" for the american editor JoAnn Locktov. The book receives many reviews in international magazines like Abitare, Interior Design, Aishti Magazine.

Makes a TV commercial for "Water of Venice".

Organize the exhibition "Into the Labyrinth" at Querini Stampalia Foundation in Venice, which receives great reviews.

Creates three short movies for the exhibition "Carlo Scarpa e il Giappone" at Maxxi Museum in Rome.

Collaborates with designer Enrico Baleri on a series of short movies about Italian Design.


2015 Participates in the 56° Venice Art Biennale (Venice Pavilion) with a short film about the Fluxus Art Movement.


2014  Performes a double video installation for Grand Hornu Images Museum - Belgium - "Le Labo des Héritiers".

Takes part with two films to the Lisbon Architecture Film Festival. 

The film "Quattrocento volte Otello" is presented at Excelsior Hotel during 71° Venice Biennale Film Festival. 

Takes part with video interviews with Enrico Ghezzi for special events curated by Camilla Boemio at the Bucharest International Biennale 2014. 

Makes the documentary film "Quattrocento volte Otello", about the italian tenor singer of the '50s Pier Miranda Ferraro, presented at Teatro La Fenice of Venice.

Creates a short documentary film about the Fluxus Art movement for Fondazione Bonotto.

Presents the new film “Genius Loci” at Palazzo Grassi - Pinault Foundation in Venice.


​2013  Co-created, with Pier Paolo Giarolo, the documentary film "The Stones of Venice", about the long restoration of one of the most important Venice palaces on Canal Grande, Palazzo Papadopoli.


2012  The film "Memoriae Causa" is screened at Maxxi Museum of XXI century's Arts in Rome, presented by Mario Botta, Enrico Ghezzi, Guido Pietropoli, Tobia Scarpa.​

Performs a video installation for the exhibition "Carlo e Tobia Scarpa - dialogo sospeso" at Musée des Arts Decoratifs de Bordeaux.

2011 Creates the short film "Nulla dies sine linea".

Collaborates on video installations during theater performances with actors Giancarlo Previati and Carla Stella.

The film "Memoriae Causa" is presented at the Architecture Academy of Mario Botta in Mendrisio (Switzerland).

2010 Collaborates with Ente dello Spettacolo (Rome) on a project supported by the Ministry of Cultural and Entertainment Activities.

The film "Raccolto d'inverno" is presented at the 67° Venice film Festival in a special event at Hotel Excelsior.

2009 Presents t​he short film "Carlo Scarpa e l'origine delle cose" at the 11° Architecture Biennal of Venice. The same film is shown at "Salone del mobile" in Milan.

Makes the film "Dialogo nel tempo".

Presents the film "Memoriae Causa" at Politecnico of Architecture in Milan.

​Performs videos for theater performances.

2008 Creates the short films "Hortus Conclusus" and "Far West".

Has been contacted by legendary Fellini, Tarkovskij and Antonioni scriptwriter Tonino Guerra for a project about "La Scarzuola" of Tomaso Buzzi. 

The film "Memoriae Causa" is screened at IUAV Architecture University of Venice.

2007-2022 Collaborates on the project "Veneto experience" with Shun Kanda, teacher of Architectural design at MIT of Boston (Massachussetts)​ and Keio University of Tokio (Japan)​

2007 Creates the film "Memoriae Causa" financed by Benetton Foundation, shot in Super-16 film, and winner of several international film festivals: Best Architecture Film Award and Best Photography Award at 15th Premio Libero Bizzarri, Best Film at Bergamo International Art Film Festival, Best Film at Parma Film Festival and Best Architecture Film at Asolo International Art Film Festival. The film is in official selection at 48th Festival dei Popoli in Florence, at BigScreen Film Festival in Kunming (China), at Cine On the Road, Cine-Porto BoFF, Estate Doc, etc. The film is also been presented in London at Soane Museum with the collaboration of Royal Institute of British Architects and at Milan Triennale of Architecture. 

Receives the RDC Award along with Carlo Lizzani, Silvio Soldini and Vincenzo Vincenzoni at the "Festival Terzo Millennio" in Rome.

2006-2008 Collaborates with Benetton Foundation, curating video installations for events and exhibitions.​

2006 Creates the film "Quando l'arte si tace", financed by Benetton Foundation, and winner at various international film festivals: Best Art film at Asolo International Art Film festival and Best Film at Bergamo International Art Film festival. 

Makes the short film "Vitrorum Natura" for the centenary of Venetian Architect Carlo Scarpa, financed by Benetton Foundation.

Participates in Turin "Salone del Libro" with a project presented at Book Film Bridge.

2005 Makes the short film "Ezechiele 37,26", financed by Veneto Region and participates as special guest at Videopolis Festival with "Trilogia del silenzio".

2004 Creates the short film "La città del silenzio", which won 25 prizes in several Film Festival, two of them at Bellaria Film Festival.

2003 Makes his second short film "L'ultimo fronte", winner at several Film Festival.

2002 Makes the first short film, presented at Pitti Palace in Florence during the fashion parade of London's fashion brand "KEW".

1992 After classic high school, studies at IUAV Architecture University of Venice.
